Shortcodes: Shortcuts to Advanced Functionality

Shortcodes: Shortcuts to Advanced Functionality What are shortcodes? Shortcodes are small snippets of code that enable you to use code on posts, pages, and widgets without actually having to write out long lines of code. WordPress comes with some built in shortcodes and others can be added through the use of plugins using a shortcode [...]

Shortcodes: Shortcuts to Advanced Functionality2016-08-09T15:41:47+00:00

Build Your WordPress Site

Setup Your Blog or Website With the Help of a Professional For the same price as video tutorials, your own personal WordPress Instructor will show you how to setup your theme, create posts and pages, layout your homepage, configure your SEO settings, and anything else you may need. PLUS, you will receive a tutorial video [...]

Build Your WordPress Site2012-02-10T21:53:36+00:00
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