Make your website Mobile Ready tieh the WordPress Learning CenterMobile Readiness & Mobile Responsive WordPress Themes



A Mobile Responsive WordPress Theme can put your website ahead of the competition in generating new leads, higher click-through rates, increased web traffic, and brand-name power. In effect, having a WordPress site viewable on a mobile device substantially increases all types of conversion rates.

Making Your WordPress Website Mobile Responsive

There are two main options to make your WordPress Website Mobile Responsive:

Choosing the right Theme:

      • When selecting a theme for your WordPress website, make sure you choose a Mobile Responsive Theme.
      • We can help you pick the right Mobile Responsive Theme. We can also teach you how to edit the Responsive CSS of your theme.

Choosing the right Plugin: 
      • Free Mobile Responsive Plugins are difficult to configure, and aren’t compatible with all types of mobile devices.
      • Premium Mobile Responsive Plugins are easy to configure, are compatible with all mobile devices, and we will install and teach you how to use your chosen plugin.

The Importance of Mobile Marketing

Why is a Mobile Responsive WordPress Theme so important?


  1. Why is a mobile ready website so influential over conversion rates? Because almost everyone on this planet has a smart, mobile device that is used for everything: researching online resources, shopping for consumer goods, finding local restaurants, and connecting with friends.


  2. This all plays into utilizing a mobile ready WordPress website. with a Mobile Responsive WordPress Theme, you can keep customers’ attention when they open your WordPress website, provide quick access to your content, and be the next topic of conversation with all of their mobile-ready colleagues.


  3. After a beneficial search on their smart, mobile device, a new customer will continue research on a desktop computer, spread the news by word-of-mouth, and be more inclined to directly contact you through phone or email. In fact, 75% of customers prefer a mobile-friendly website.

Optimize with a Mobile Responsive WordPress Theme

By not utilizing a Mobile Responsive WordPress Theme, you are directly hurting your WordPress website. By 2015, 81% of U.S. cell phone users will have a smartphone. Update your WordPress website today and take advantage of the ever growing mobile population.