My Calendar provides event management and numerous methods to display your events. The plug-in can support individual site calendars within WordPress Multi-User, or multiple calendars displayed by categories of or locations for events.

Basic Features:

Standard calendar grid or list views of events

Show events in monthly, weekly, or daily view.

Mini-calendar view for compact displays (as widget or as shortcode)

Widget to show today’s events

Widget to show upcoming or past events

Template tags to control the HTML and information produced in most output areas.

Calendar can be limited to a single category, all categories, or a selection of categories

Calendar can be limited to events in specific locations

Disable default CSS and default JavaScript or display only on specific Pages/Posts

Editable CSS styles and JavaScript behaviors

Recurring events can be scheduled daily, weekly, on weekdays only, biweekly, monthly by date, monthly by day/week and annually.

Individual occurrences of recurring events can be modified individually

Events can be configured to be added by any level of user; directly to calendar or reserved for administrative approval

Store and display the following information for each event: title, description, alternate description, event category, URL, start date, start time, end date, end time, registration status (open, closed or irrelevant), event location.

Email notification to administrator when events are scheduled or reserved

Location Manager for storing frequently used venues

Import method from Kieran O’Shea’s Calendar plugin

Integrated Help file to guide in use of shortcodes and template tags

User’s Guide available for purchase with extensive assistance in set up and use.

via My Calendar: WordPress Events Calendar Plugin – Joe Dolson Accessible Web Design.